About Vermillion: Governance + Team

Stella Whittaker (Sydney, Australia)

After serving on Vermillion Institute's Board in 2010 and 2011, Stella recently transitioned to fill a crucial role as Chair of the Vermillion Australia Organizing Committee.

She will continue to be an important advisor because so much of Vermillion's success depends on curating, creating and communicating practical sector-specific guidance. Stella has nearly 30 years of experience doing just that.

She held a senior environment role in the New South Wales State Government. And since joining a global consulting firm, she has successfully designed and implemented many dozens of sustainability projects in the United Kingdom, Europe and Australia. She has developed convincing business cases and sustainability strategies for CEOs, senior management and board members. She has also conducted large-scale training and coaching programs for industries, federal and regional governments, and NGOs across the globe.

Stella believes that promoting quality in sustainability reporting is crucial to our initiatives and she brings us deep insight from her work on the Stakeholder Council of the Global Reporting Initiative.

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