About Vermillion: Governance + Team

Scott Steil — Vice Chair (Calgary, Canada)

***NEW — After serving a number of years as a director of software development in the private sector, Scott recently returned to the University of Calgary to help medical researchers create detailed interactive 3D models of the human body—for both predictive and educational applications.***

His research into problem solving

Experts in natural and artificial intelligence say that populations share an unconscious intellect, which helps them solve problems. Some experts study the process to harness this untapped potential to intentionally solve problems as well. Scott Steil is one of those experts. While earning his degree in computer science from the University of Calgary, he began working with models to understand and predict the triggers that cause communities to develop common solutions.

Since many solutions for sustainability have yet to be found, there is a need for effective platforms where Innovators can evaluate new ways to care for people, planet and prosperity—and that's where Scott's talents are indispensible.

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A unique contribution

In addition to his time spent on governance systems, Scott helped develop our collaboration platform and online forums by modifying a rich library of software tools.